Thursday, May 20
tengok tu cute kan she,haha... so today had some recycling thingy,lame laa, seriously.. theres an uncle who open the door, like gangster siah he talk "what you want" in gangster way, sheesh... then the usual us went to mac for breakfast,me and my usual 2.50 meal,haha... then off to holland to amek sara's pay,aha... and then to yishun,sara nak amek bende... lepak2 there awhile when i got a msg from syaf, yeah... and so apela lagy,jumper laa..haha, since she need to be home early, sebagai kakak yang baek i send her home.. and a half an hour talk realy means alot,haha.. funny... time flies, got a hug.. say good bye.haha, mepek siah i talking. ah dah laa, i malas ready. till here kay, adios!(: